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Line Arias

Annual Sportsfest Returns for Arcanys Summer Games 2024 

June 13, 2024


3 min read

Annual Sportsfest Returns for Arcanys Summer Games 2024 

This summer, Arcanytes revived our month-long sportsfest, ending with a fantastic Summer Outing! It was perfect for meeting new teammates and reconnecting with old ones. Can't wait for more fun Arcanys events!

🎉 Wrapped up 2023 with The Arcanys Black and Gold Gala

December 28, 2023


5 min read

🎉 Wrapped up 2023 with The Arcanys Black and Gold Gala

Arcanytes celebrated its Year-end event at Bai Hotel last December 15. Read more to find out how we dined, drank, and partied from dusk till dawn.

Latest Arcanys Adventure: Summer Outing 2023

June 26, 2023


2 min read

Latest Arcanys Adventure: Summer Outing 2023

Another summer, another dose of fun and adventure for Arcanytes. It was a great time for touching base with everyone, old and new. We sure can't wait for the next major company event!

Opticale: An Augmented Reality Game Set in the Astral World with Fantastical Creatures to Discover

May 20, 2021


4 min read

Client Stories
Opticale: An Augmented Reality Game Set in the Astral World with Fantastical Creatures to Discover

Opticale entrusted Arcanys with the full development of their augmented reality game app on Android and the maintenance of their existing iOS app.

AELF online coaching for Arcanyte kiddies

February 01, 2021


6 min read

AELF online coaching for Arcanyte kiddies

The world halted in 2020 but we believe learning should not. To help out Arcanytes continue their kids' education, AELF teachers stepped in to help. Read their stories.

Line Arias

Line Arias

Line is a Content Writer at Arcanys. She's also an editor, a bibliophile, a collector of pretty knickknacks, and a versatile doer with serious OC tendencies. She loves the written word undoubtedly, reads creepy stories by Poe, and shows great enthusiasm for every project like an eager beaver.