On-demand software teams

Company Update: Becoming Experts in Innovation Management

November 10, 20143 min read

The Evolution of Arcanys

How the Business has Transformed

It’s been a while since we’ve been in touch, and we’d like to bring you up to date with what’s been keeping us busy the last couple of years and share with you an important transformation in Arcanys’ enterprise DNA. Arcanys has now evolved from a classic software outsourcing company into an incubator to launch new ventures and business ideas. Not only do we have some proprietary software solutions in development (including one licensed by General Electric), but we also mainly help other start-ups execute their software strategy fast and cost-effectively. In some cases, Arcanys even receives equity in exchange for development services.

In the past three years, we’ve helped about 100 companies, 40 of which are fresh startups getting their products off the ground. With many successes in the last months, we wanted to share how we could help you out with your own innovations.

1. Shaping the vision

The first step in innovation management is to get very clear business requirements. With a solid business analysis and usability design team, we help many of our clients come up with clear specifications and nice mockups illustrating their vision. We meet many founders that just have an idea they try to describe to people – which is usually not enough to convince someone to invest in you. In a matter of 2 weeks, and usually less than $2,000, their idea becomes a lot more real and easy to “sell”.

2. Creating something real, quickly

From there, some of our clients use these requirements to create a budget and convince investors to support them. Others directly go on to the next phase: developing a prototype (also called an MVP/Minimum Viable Product). This generally takes just 250 to 500 man-hours, and therefore between $7,500 and $15,000 to have a partial product ready for testing. At this stage, you can enjoy a higher company valuation when bringing investors on board since you are already “on the way” to completing your product.

3. Launching a beta site

After the MVP is out, products are finished to cover the majority of the functionalities and get traction in a test market. Most of our clients at that stage hire full-time dedicated developers from us who become essentially part of their team, working hand in hand with their tech leadership and executing as one distributed team around the world.

4. We make sure everything is well tested

The Swiss mindset within the company pushes us to deliver high-quality software. This is why we even have a dedicated team of testers, who can assist our clients with testing (who often don’t have enough free time to do this properly) and make sure the product released is market-ready at each milestone.

5. Learning the best processes of software development

Our processes are agile. Most entrepreneurs are not necessarily familiar with the best practices of software development and the senior IT team of Arcanys takes time to train our clients to use proper SCRUM practices, in order to keep a close eye during the whole development period and get an end product that perfectly matches their needs.

6. Getting on the market faster than you think

We’re usually good to go before our clients are ready. By keeping a large pool of nearly 60 full-time software developers, Arcanys can most often put someone on the job within days. All along the life of startups, we are ready to ramp up and ramp down their teams to give great flexibility while allowing rapid execution.

In conclusion, if you have a business idea you’ve been hoping to launch for a while, or are struggling with a current project that isn’t moving forward as you hoped, drop me a line at alan@arcanys.com and I would be glad to discuss your idea(s), the challenges it poses, and how we can help.

Cheers, Alan

Alan Debonneville

Alan Debonneville

Co-founder & CEO

Alan Debonneville

Co-founder & CEO

With an extensive background in start-ups and innovation, Alan is co-founder and CEO of Arcanys, a software outsourcing company and startup incubator based in Cebu, Philippines. Deeply passionate about innovations and new ventures related to software, e-commerce, gaming, education, and recently the non-profit field, Alan is always looking to partner up and help entrepreneurs to turn their business ideas into reality.

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